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Read our FAQs to get answers to your most common questions about LA Beauty School.
Q: Are there “mock board exams” to prepare students for the state license exam?
A: Yes, we refer to them as “baby boards” and this is included in the curriculum.
Q: Can you guarantee me a job when I graduate?
A: We cannot guarantee job placement, however we will certainly provide you with a first-rate education and job placement assistance throughout your career.
Q: What is the enrollment process like? How do I get started?
A: You need to contact an admissions advisor to begin the initial process for eventual enrollment.
Q: Do I need to have a high school diploma or G.E.D.?
A: Not Required.
Q: What paperwork do I need to complete to enroll?
A: All the forms and information are on the document checklist. That sheet is provided in your enrollment folder.
Q: What if I do not have a copy of my social security card or diploma?
A: You cannot meet with the financial advisor until you bring in all the required documents. You will need to apply for a new social security card at the social security administrative office. If you have lost your high school diploma you will need to bring in an official high school transcript in the original sealed envelope. Faxed or open transcripts will not be accepted.
Q: When may I pay my enrollment deposit?
A: You may pay your deposit only after you have met with the Financial Advisor.
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